Busck Prestressed Concrete is New Zealand’s leading concrete power pole manufacturer.
We supply professional concrete power poles and associated concrete products to 24 out of New Zealand’s 26 electricity lines companies, as well as to Australia and the Pacific Islands. We pride ourselves on producing high quality, high-strength prestressed concrete poles that raise the standards for the entire industry.
Prestressed Concrete Power Poles
Busck first started manufacturing concrete power poles over 40 years ago. In 1999 Busck updated our pole designs to meet the then draft standard AS/NZS4065. Today all our poles are manufactured and tested to AS/NZS4065 and AS/NZS7000.
Our current pole sizes range from 7.5m up to 18.5m long and are fitted with equipotential bonding points, meeting the requirements of the EEA’s guide for working on de-energised lines.
Busck power poles can be supplied with or without the added safety option of paint and reflectors before leaving the factory. Busck poles are prefitted with a six digit uniquely numbered Asset ID.
Busck pole ratings are based on ultimate limit state strength across line and most have an along line rating of at least 30% of the across line rating.
This feature exceeds that required in AS/NZS4065 and along with the poles flexibility, assists in limiting cascade failure. All rates are ultimate limit state. Busck poles are used at voltages from 230V up to 110kV lines across New Zealand, from the winterless north to heavy snow and frost areas of the deep South.

Electricity Industry
Our precast concrete products include a complete range of high strength “I” section prestressed concrete power poles, and associated electricity concrete products. Busck provides a number of transport options, both within New Zealand and internationally, as well as technical support and training to all customers within the electricity infrastructure industry.
Electricity Associated Concrete Products
To complement the pole range, Busck produces a wide range of associated products for the power distribution and electricity supply industry including pole base blocks (donuts), breast and heel blocks, switch handle earth pads, and stay blocks.
Busck manufactures a complete range of transformer and switchgear pads for all New Zealand transformer and switchgear suppliers. Included in Busck’s range are switchgear foundations designed to meet New Zealand seismic requirements.
Busck can also custom manufacture products to suit, if an idea is put forward our team will work with the customer to achieve a product suited for purpose.
Contact our knowledgeable team to discuss your specific project requirements.